
Iced Buns

I’ve said it before, but I don’t subscribe to the whole New Year, New You thing.  The closest I got to a “new me” was getting my hair trimmed last week and that was only because it was long overdue (even my split ends had split ends… yeah…).  But as for changing what’s on my plate just because it’s January?  Nope.  My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns hun.

These iced buns are hilariously easy to make.  They don’t have to be perfect; in fact the weirder the shape and the more icing dribbling down the side the better in my opinion 😉

Iced Buns


  • 125ml milk
  • 50g butter
  • 1/2 a packet of instant yeast
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 20g sugar
  • 225g strong white flour
  • icing (icing sugar and water)
  1. Heat the milk until warm, then remove from the heat and add the butter.  Allow it melt into the milk and then cool to lukewarm.
  2. Once the milk and butter have combined and cooled slightly, pour them into the bread machine/mixing bowl.  Add the dry ingredients on top.  If you’re using a bread machine, set it to the dough programme (number 6 on mine).
  3. Once the dough is done separate into four finger-shaped buns, cover with cling film and allow to rest until they’ve doubled in size.
  4. Cook in a preheated oven (180°C) for around twenty minutes or until golden brown.  Be sure to turn them once or twice to get an even colour!
  5. Ice the buns – the messier and sticker the better 🙂

5 replies on “Iced Buns”

#1. I am there with you on the new year promises and such, if you wanna change somehting you don’t need a new year! duh. All in all I love your recipe, and since I am cutting on my sugar intake that drastically I will try it!

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