Favourite Posts Food

Chocolate Brownie Meringue Cake

Happy New Year! I’m taking January slowly this year and focusing on doing what I love, and with that in mind I whipped up – quite literally – this Chocolate Brownie Meringue Cake. It’s just… *chef kiss* A gooey, chocolaty meringue base and a crunchy, chewy meringue topping. The perfect mix.

Favourite Posts Food Pregnancy and Parenting

Jerky Chicken Fingers

Three months into Elsie’s weaning journey and she’s grown enough of an appetite to happily munch down on these sweet and sticky (and kinda spicy) Jerky Chicken Fingers – a meal we can enjoy all together as a family. But it’s been a battle…

Everything Else Favourite Posts Pregnancy and Parenting

Nine Months Out

It’s officially nine months since little Elsie was born (only she’s not so little anymore – my back can uh, back me up on that one – yeouch) and I’ve somehow suddenly found myself with my very first afternoon off from motherhood.

Everything Else Favourite Posts Pregnancy and Parenting

Hello Elsie, Hello Motherhood

It’s been two months of late nights and early mornings (I now know the entire late night schedule of ITV2 and Channel 4). Two months of googling “is green baby poop normal?” – among other things; my targeted ads have gone from “pamper yourself with this luxury skincare” to, well, Pampers. Two months of raging internally every time someone tells me to “sleep when the baby sleeps” (because seriously, when does that ever happen?). Two months of tears (from me more than the baby) and laughter. Two whole months of our little Elsie…

Favourite Posts Food

Apple and Cinnamon Kanelbullar

Cinnamon Buns just happen to be my absolute favourite of the sticky, sweet bun species; I’ve been working on a recipe for the perfect, fluffy enriched dough for a while now and I’ve finally found The One. It makes a cracking batch of traditional cinnamon buns, sure, but add some stewed apple into the mix and plait them into a traditional Swedish Kanelbullar and they’re even better.