Everything Else

6 Ways I Pick Myself When I’m Feeling Down

I had a couple of dark days last week; for no obvious reason my mood suddenly plummeted and I went from screeching along to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend songs in my car to sobbing on the floor hugging my knees with my back to the radiator.  I’m fine now, but every now and then I stumble like that.  Sometimes it’s just a little trip and I manage to keep going – with a quick glance over my shoulder in case anyone noticed – but other times I fall hard and can’t get back up.  Sometimes I stay down for days and need a little help getting back up again, and it’s usually little things that make a big difference 🙂

▲  Get out!  I know, ground breaking right?  While I hate the condescending “just go for a walk” as a miracle cure for all mental health problems, getting out and about does help me, but it’s more the process than anything else.  Just forcing myself to do my hair and my eyeliner, get dressed and go out somewhere tricks me into feeling like a ‘normal’ human being again.

▲ Indulge in something that makes you happy.  For me that’s either feasting on a massive cinnamon bun/doughnut/hot dog/plate of nachos, a long bath or buying something new for my wardrobe.  Buying fresh flowers always cheers me up; I don’t know, there’s something about the process of choosing them and then arranging them that I find really relaxing.  Each to their own, but sometimes a little of what you fancy does you good.

 Create Something.  Sometimes I bake, sometimes I write, sometimes I doodle.  It helps my mind focus on something else.

 Sing, sing, sing!  Nothing can instantly change my mood in the same way that music does.  There are some songs with the power to flip a switch in my head, and so I crank up the car radio and let it all out.

▲ Talk it through.  Both an infuriating and wonderful part of being married is having someone who can instantly read your mood.  When I’m down my instinct is to close up and keep it to myself because I feel like I don’t want to bother anyone with something I feel is “silly”, but a single look is usually enough for Sunny to realise that something’s up and attempt to coax whatever’s bothering me out of me.  I never want to talk, but it always helps.

▲ Breathe.  I’ve been trying a breathing exercise recently that’s really helped whenever I’ve been feeling a bit wobbily.  I can’t for the life of me remember where I read about it, but I tried it once and was amazed how much it helped.  What you do is breathe in slowly and count to five, then hold that breath for seven.  Then breathe out slowly while counting to five.  Repeat a few times and you’ll soon feel relaxed.  Simple, but it works.  I’ve been doing it whenever I’ve had trouble sleeping too.  Seriously, game changer.

What do you do to pick yourself up when you’re feeling down?

10 replies on “6 Ways I Pick Myself When I’m Feeling Down”

Sorry to hear you were feeling down last week 😞 Definitely know what those days feel like. These are all lovely tips that I’ll keep in mind for future days like that! Treating yourself to something small but new is always a great way to feel a little more positive, and I love the idea of buying flowers to brighten up the home as well! Talking to your partner definitely helps as well ☺️ xxx

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I particularly love self-care tips and thoroughly enjoyed reading through your post 🙂 thank you for sharing your thoughts on the matter. I might try looking for some flowers when I’m out and about next. ✨


I love all these tips. Cleaning the bathroom (properly scrubbing with long armed gloves and plenty of cif) whilst singing is my go-to pick me up. It always makes me ten times more cheerful. I think its the physical exertion that does it. Or cycling. The wind in my face as I sail down my favourite hill. I suppose that counts as getting out! Also, having a laugh with a good friend/group of friends is a sure fire way to pick oneself up 🙂 Great post. I look forward to following!

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Thanks, glad you liked 🙂 Yes! Cleaning’s a good one – I clean the bathroom when I’m angry or frustrated and then I do the hoovering with Spotify blaring in my ears when I need a pick me up 🙂

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