Everything Else

How to Sunday Like a Pro and Prep for a Productive Week

We’re all familiar with that old saying that “a weekend well spent brings a week of content” right? Well, let me give that old saying a little bit of a tweak, because I think the truth of the matter is that a Sunday well spent brings a week of intent and allows us to reset and prep for a productive week. 🙂

The Cwtch

My Weekly Cleaning Routine

I’ve kind of come to terms with the fact that I’ll never have a spotless, squeaky-clean house.  Why?  Well, A) Because I have a dog, and B) I just can’t be arsed.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love a clean, fresh-smelling home – of course I do, who doesn’t? – but I’m no Hincher; I don’t enjoy cleaning and if I can get away with not doing something then, mate, I just won’t do it. After getting Bungle my house slowly went from palace to pig sty and it became very obvious that my cleaning routine wasn’t working.  So I decided I needed to switch things up and come up with a way to keep on top of the cleaning in a more manageable way, and since then things have been so much better!

Everything Else

Tips and Tricks for Beating Insomnia

Just before Christmas I had a really bad bout of Insomnia and I knew I had press the reset button on my nightly routine.  I did a lot – a loooooot – of research (…zombie-eyed googling at 2am, 3am and 4am) in the midst of my little sleep crisis, and eventually something “clicked” into place and I did nod off.  What it was specifically, I can’t say – but here’s how I adjusted my routine…