
Project 365: Week Two

Week Two of my 365 Project was full of frost and the death of a star.

Project 365: Week Two - theCardiffCwtch
9: 50 Shades of Boring Beige 🤔. Looking at carpets for the new house.

Project 365: Week Two - theCardiffCwtch
10: Waking up on Monday morning to hear the news that David Bowie had died and singing along to his greatest hits in the car. ⭐️
Project 365: Week Two - theCardiffCwtch
12: Oh, that question mark. The submission bit of being a writer… *sigh*
Project 365: Week Two - theCardiffCwtch
13: Playing around in the kitchen 🍋
Project 365: Week Two - theCardiffCwtch
14: First copy of my book arrived in the post! 📓
Project 365: Week Two - theCardiffCwtch
15: Coming home from town with some Lush goodies 💜
Project 365: Week Two - theCardiffCwtch
16: A very frosty Saturday morning ❄️

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