Everything Else Shopping

The Non-Gift Gift Guide

Everyone keeps telling me this year that I’m difficult to buy for, which – to be honest – came as a bit of shock because I’d always thought of myself as someone who’s easily pleased. At first I was insulted (You don’t know me at all!!!) and then when I thought about it a little bit more I realised that they’re probably right. I think it’s because the older I get the less interested I become in “stuff”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to sound ungrateful here; of course I love presents, I’d happily rip open a new handbag or a bottle of this stuff on Christmas Day just like anyone else.  And (hint hint) if I find this sitting under my tree I will be a very happy bunny.  But I don’t need any of those things, and I’d hate for my friends and family to feel like they have to buy me anything at all let alone stress over what that should be. Sometimes the best things in life really are free, and a thoughtful gesture is far better than expensive clutter or “stuff” bought down the gift aisle under pressure.

So if you’ve got someone who’s difficult to buy for, or you’ve scrolled through enough expensive wish lists to make your eyes water (or you’ve left your Christmas Shopping a bit too late!  Oops!) then have I got the gift guide for you. 🙂

Favourite Place

If you’ve got someone who’s awkward to buy for, why not skip all those “that’ll do” gifts and surprise them with a trip to their favourite place.  It could be something as extravagant as a trip to their favourite city, a mini break, or even just an afternoon at their favourite local haunt.  Take them somewhere that you know makes them happy and that they’ll appreciate.

Kick the Habit

If you’ve got a bad habit that’s been annoying one of your nearest and dearest for a long time, then what more could they want for Christmas than a promise to kick it for good.  It could be something huge like vowing to give up smoking, or something a lot smaller like promising not to dump your clothes in a pile at the end of the bed every night!  Just don’t make it an empty promise, you’ve got to make good on it no matter what!


Some people would rather make memories with their favourite people than receive gifts.  So why not give the gift of a promise to do more things together in the year ahead?  Maybe it’s a promise to join the gym together, or take a class together, or to go away somewhere together.  Surprise your favourite people with plans for spending time together in the new year – so much better than cheap perfume, right?

Go with your Gut

I never turn my nose up at gifts that involve food, and what better gift than to treat someone to a lazy brunch at their favourite spot?  Of course, it doesn’t have to be brunch; it could be a fancy dinner, or lunch, or even just dessert!  Is there somewhere they’ve always wanted to go for dinner?  Why not cook a special meal for them?  It also doesn’t have to be a one off – you could start a new tradition for the year ahead and spoil them once a week. 🙂

Chores & DIY

Are there a few things around the house you’ve been putting off?  Why not get off your bum and get them done as a gift to the person who’s been nagging you about them!  Or, why not take over someone’s chores while they put their feet up?

What non-gift would you love to get this Christmas? 🙂

5 replies on “The Non-Gift Gift Guide”

Aww I love this post and these are all really sweet ideas! I think the idea of taking someone out for a nice lunch or afternoon is way better than desperately trying to come up with a material gift! It’s much nicer to have memories and experiences than something just to put on a shelf! xx

Liked by 1 person

Me too – these days I’d much rather go somewhere or do something with my favourite people instead of getting a cosmetics set or another pair of earrings. 🙂

I know there are plenty of annoying habits my family would love to see me shake! Thanks for commenting!


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